
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Ride

Christmas eve in 63  it seemed so long ago,
frost was on the window, ground was covered up with snow.
Angel on the treetop and those stockings by the fire,
mistletoe hung on the door, outside a carol choir.

Cookies in the oven, smell was filling up the house,
presents all around the room with paper strewn about.
Wife was in the shower, kids were heading off to bed,
a hundred things of what to do, kept running thru my head.

Bikes and tools, the train and toys, dolls for girls and cars for boys.
Candy canes, and chocolate elves, hang the stockings on the shelves.
Cookies finished baking, so I set them by the fire,
poured the glass of milk and then I watched the flame expire.

I knew that he was coming and wanted him to know,
Santa Claus is welcome in this house on walnut row.
An hour past and now the kids and wife, were all tucked in.
I finished cleaning up the floor and heard those bells begin.

Looking out the window I could see a distant glow,
I knew it must be Rudolph, with his bright and shiny nose.
Now I started panicking, cause soon he would be here,
everything seemed perfect, though I could not help but fear.

Laying in my bed now as my heart began to race,
I heard him cry out ho ho ho and blood filled up my face.
Never more excited than this night in 63,
the night that I saw Santa Claus step out from "just a dream".

I heard the reindeer fidgeting and heard him bounce about,
then much to my amazement, I could hear him fall and shout.
I could not believe my eyes for what it seemed was going on,
as Santa Claus fell off my roof and landed on my lawn.

Flying down the stairs, I know was quicker than a flash
threw the front door open and was with him very fast.
I helped him brush the snow off, then I helped him to his feet,
he told me he was ok, though his ankle seemed to weak.

He stumbled to the tree and put those presents out for all,
then sat to eat a cookie as he laughed about his fall.
He asked me would I help him as he finished up the night,
stunned, I said of course I would, and it would bring delight.

I helped him to his feet and with a wrinkle of his nose,
magic filled the air and up the chimney we both rose.
House to house we made each stop that Christmas long ago,
his ankle started healing as he finally brought me home.

Friday, October 26, 2018

The Race

Candy and costumes and pumpkins galore,
they yell trick or treat as they knock on your door.

The goblins the witches, the heroes and goons,
some dressed as a movie or some as cartoons.

Some are so scary or some are just cute,
some are so little, and some dressed as Groot.

The old and the young all show up on this night,
for once they are happy and don’t fuss or fight.

A grand celebration takes hold of this land,
uniting all people, that walk hand and hand.

Its easy to see on this All Hallows Eve,
that we can be ONE, if we stop and believe.

For we all are different from what we have seen,
yet still here we stand, on each Halloween.

When we all come together, if only for fun,
then its easy to see that our people are one.

Behind all the costumes and make ups on face,
I see many people,
but only ONE race.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Fathers Gift

There's magic in Christmas that makes your heart smile,
all the joy and excitement in the eyes of a child.
From the moment they're born they are drawn to the lights,
and the tree with an angel or star shining bright.
With cartoons, some carols and candy in mind,
and the presents they want that seem so hard to find.
Then it's off to the kitchen to make santa treats,
all those cookies, and cupcakes its hard not to eat.
When the presents are wrapped, and the bows are just right,
as you tuck them in bed, and your saying goodnight.
Remember the manger one bright moonlit eve,
Three Wise Men, the journey and what they believed.
A baby named Jesus, a gift from above,
to guide us and help us feel safe in his love.
When the prayers are all said, and you turn out the light,
then you stop and you stare at a beautiful sight.
You'll know in your heart, with your blood flowing wild,
the greatest gift in this world, is the gift of a child.